If you are a passenger in a vehicle and are in a car crash and your driver is at fault, then you have a right to recover for your injuries. Most of the time when we think of filing a lawsuit in regard...
Should I hire A Personal Injury Attorney? I think I can handle this myself
After an accident, may people try to handle their personal injury claim by themselves. They think to themselves, “Why should I pay to have a personal injury lawyer, the insurance company has offered...
“I’ve been hurt in a car accident, how long will my case take?”
The timeline of any personal injury case can vary greatly. There are many factors that can be variables in determining how long the length of a case may take. Some of these factors are -Liability Issu...
Different Types of Damages In Personal Injury Cases
Different Types of Damages In Personal Injury Cases If you’ve been hurt as a result of the negligence of someone else, you are entitled to recover money for compensation. There are various different...
“How Long Do I Have To File A Lawsuit?”
Illinois Statute of Limitations in Personal Injury Cases What is a Statute of Limitations? A Statute of Limitations is a legally binding timeline that determines how long an individual has to file a l...
I Was In A Car Accident and Got Hurt, What Should I Do?
I Was In A Car Accident and Got Hurt, What Should I Do? There are several things you should do immediately after the accident if you can. Firstly, call the police and have a report made. Secondly, tra...
“Why Did A Personal Injury Lawyer Refuse To Take My Case?”
You believe you have a rock solid injury case and it seems pretty cut and dry. You go and visit a personal injury attorney and he passes on taking your case. This can be quite demoralizing, particular...
“What’s a contingency fee?”
“What’s a contingency fee?” How Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid So you’ve been hurt in a car accident and you’re shopping around for a personal injury attorney. The injury attorneys you tal...
“I Got Rear Ended, I’ll Be Fine Though” Common Injuries In Rear End Accidents
“I Got Rear Ended, I’ll Be Fine Though” Common Injuries In Rear End Accidents“ I got rear ended by another driver, I think I’m fine though, just a little sore.” This is a very common phras...