Elder Abuse and Neglect is particularly disturbing because of the vulnerability of the elderly and there inability to defend themselves. This makes detection of elderly abuse and neglect often times extremely difficult. However, there are many warning signs that can point to abuse. If you believe your loved one is being physically abused, look for the following symptoms and signs:
- Broken Bones
- Bed Sores
- Restraint Marks on the feet and wrists
- Cuts and Lacerations
- Dislocation
- Changes in the persons demeanor and personality
- Lack of Communication from the Elderly Person
Along with actual physical abuse, elderly neglect has symptoms as well. If you believe your loved one is the victim of Nursing Home Neglect, watch out for:
- Unsanitary Living Conditions
- Bed Sores
- Dehydration and Malnutrition
- Extreme weight loss of the elderly person
If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, talk to your loved one about it immediately, and seek medical attention for them. Reach out to an experienced Nursing Home Lawyer about potential elder abuse and neglect. Olson & Reeves is here to help protect your loved ones. We always offer free consultations, and never get paid until you do. If you can’t come to us, we will come to you.