Illinois Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Many of us have loved ones living in nursing homes. We like to believe that while they are in these facilities they are being cared for properly and being treated well. However, a gut wrenching truth is that is not always the case. Illinois Nursing Home Abuse is rampant.
Elderly people living in these facilities are some of the most vulnerable members of our society. The elderly often times have physical or mental ailments which prevents them from being able to protect themselves from negligence and abuse. Many of this suffering leads to dehumanizing suffering, and death. Common types of Nursing Home Abuse are:
Physical Abuse
Physical Abuse includes using force to hit the elderly with fists or objects leading to severe injuries including broken bones, cuts, dislocations, internal hemorrhaging, lacerations, or bruising. Use of unneeded physical restraints on an elderly person is another form of physical abuse.
Sexual Abuse
Perhaps the most vile type of abuse against the elderly, is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse occurs when non-consensual sex happens between the perpetrator and the elderly person.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse of the elderly is a frequent form of abuse. While not physically abusive, emotional abuse is verbal abuse of the elderly. Insulting them or intimidating them creating psychological issues. Psychological abuse can manifest itself in multiple ways including depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Nursing Home Negligence
Elderly Neglect is rampant, especially in understaffed and underfunded Nursing Homes or Assisted Living Facilities. Neglect of the elderly occurs when the individual is not receiving proper care. Nursing Home Neglect can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including:
- Bed Sores that have been untreated.
- Dehydration or Malnourishment
- Medication Errors and Prescription Errors
- Unsanitary Living Conditions
- Sepsis
- Non-Treatment of Medical Conditions
- Allowing the Elderly to wander out of the building
- Preventable Falls
If you suspect that your loved one is a victim of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect, you should reach out to a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney immediately. Olson & Reeves, Attorneys at Law are Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers who take great pride in protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Being a voice to the voiceless is an integral part of why we represent the elderly. We always offer free consultations, and we never get paid on a Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse case until our client does. If you can’t come to us, we will make it a point to come to you.