After an accident, may people try to handle their personal injury claim by themselves. They think to themselves, “Why should I pay to have a personal injury lawyer, the insurance company has offered to settle.”
My first question to this individual would be, “if you had a hole in the roof of your house, would you fix it yourself, or hire a roofer?” I would say a vast majority of people would hire the roofer. The reason why someone would hire a personal injury attorney to handle their claim is simple, the lawyer has expertise in these type of matters. A good personal injury attorney will get you maximum value for your injuries, and will protect you from the insurance companies.
Insurance companies will try to lowball a person handling their injury claim without a lawyer. They know you don’t have experience in these type of matters, and will use this to their advantage. The insurance companies are not your friend. The insurance companies do not care about you or your well being. They are out to save money and minimize their loss. Personal injury attorneys deal with these companies on a daily basis, and will make sure you are getting a fair deal.
Another added benefit, is the stress is taken off of your shoulders. Going through an accident can be traumatic and stressful in itself, and dealing with insurance companies will only burden you further. Personal injury attorneys handle all the aspects of your case and will help ease your mind knowing that an expert is on the case.
So whether it be a car accident, workers compensation claim, or a simple slip and fall, your best bet is to go through a personal injury lawyer. Almost all personal injury attorneys offer free consultations, so at the very least you can hear them out, and see if they are a good fit for you.
Olson & Reeves, Attorneys at Law, are Mount Vernon Personal Injury Lawyers who service southern Illinois. They are experienced, and care about their clients. Olson & Reeves prides itself on protecting their clients from insurance companies. We offer free consultations, and never get paid on a case until you do. Can’t come to us? We will come to you.